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English Corner
This is the place where you’ll find helpful books
and PDF files to help you with your English!

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YouTube Extras
It’s a great way to expand your knowledge on the topic!
44 American English Sounds

Slang Vocabulary

U.S. Slang
Download this list of slang words and phrases that will make your next informal conversation rad!

Vocabulary words for things you do in the kitchen. Watch this video to learn about kitchen utensils.
These are the different ways you can cook an egg.

Basic Winter Clothing
These are common things worn during winter.

Commonly Misused Words
Here are a few words commonly misused. Watch this video for more information.
Emphasis Vocabulary
Do you need to express something with more emphasis? Try these words!

Contrasting Words
Here’s a short list of words to help you with contrasting statements.

Phonetic Chart (download chart)
There are two videos on the phonetic chart. Click here to watch the one showing the mouth positions.
These are a mixture of books you can use in class or as study guides.

Learn English Every Day
Practice every day for a minimum of 15 to 20 minutes! Record yourself to improve your pronunciation. Read things you enjoy and read them out loud!
Looking for something specific?
If you can’t find what you need here, contact me and let me know.
I’ll do my best to help you.

Interrogative Sentences
Emma: So, who recommended this restaurant to you?Larry: My coworker, Sarah. She said their burgers a…

Member Only Videos on YouTube
I’ve started adding to my Members Only tab for those who want specialized help with their English. I…